Sunday, January 13, 2008

Long Time No Write.....

It has been awhile and I think I'm going to start back up, most likely on the election but we'll see....


Salome Ellen said...

Do It! I want to hear the election from your viewpoint!

(The mother/grandmother of some people at CTK)

Rosemary said...

Hey, Jim, let's hear what you're thinking about the election....

Anonymous said...

I am a Cafeteria Catholic myself by choice of course because of my own convictions,conscience, and prayer. I do attend mass every week and I pray alot. I am only a cafeteria Catholic because I don't see how using condoms is evil, I don't have a problem with women priests, married priests, and I don't believe divorce is always a sin since I know people who have left abused spouses. I don't believe for better or worse means you have to stay with your husband when he tries to pound you physically to pieces or when he tries to abuse your children. Its hard for people to understand my view on this when they grew up with families where such conflicts never took place.Maybe I am just too accepting to prone to Western thing, but what I do know is that I do love Jesus with all of my heart, he's got me through hard times in my life, and whether or not I agree with the Church I will never abandon God and my faith and relationship with Christ. The world does need more Christ. And the number one solution to end abortion is not to have sex before your married or to use the lesser of two evils contraception. I believe if people want to abort their babies then atleast they should put a condom on so they don't kill any babies.Most people I know who have had abortions did not use protection and thought protection was stupid. They believe condoms take the pleasure away from sex, yet they believe that killing babies that result from unprotected sex is okay and they are fundamentally flawed people. Abortion is murder and should not be used as a form of contraception.