Thursday, May 3, 2007


"We are in darkness and must be thankful that our knowledge is not wanted (needed) to perfect thy work."
-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
So my mother has been bugging me and bugging me, "you need to write a post!" But I had gotten writer's block. I had no subject to write about at all. Then she handed me a book of quotes by saints saying that when she needs something to write about she just opens this book and reads a quote and writes about it. Well, obviously, I tried it out. And I stumbled on the quote, read it and a thought popped into my head. Why is it that many people I know (including me) are scared of the dark? Is it a natural thing for us to fear? Personally I fear it for what it may contain, demons, criminals, the devil, who knows.
Then I realized how ironic it is for us to fear the dark. Everyone I know that fears the dark has been brought to Jesus, the Light, through Baptism. We fear returning to our chains when most of the world is already there. The world where everyone wants to be the same, hates being imprisoned like everyone else spiritually. This subject always gets me aggravated, if your Christian then act like one! But we should not brood on this subject as St. Moses the Ethiopian syas, "God will not hear our prayers unless we acknowledge ourselves as sinners. We do this when we ponder on our sins alone, and not on those of our neighbor."

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