Monday, May 7, 2007

Where is the Love?

Today, when I was riding with my car pool, we got stuck behind a bus entering my neighborhood. I started to grumble to myself getting angry that we had to wait so long to get in front of the bus (I am American;)). Anyways, a child got out of the bus, he turned to the bus smiling at a friend then raised his hand, and extended the middle finger! I was completely shocked, he was around nine years old and he had just done a horribly inappropriate hand gesture! What happened to this world? Are we so blind not to see that the world is rotting away beneath us?

I have this song on my computer by the Black-eyed Peas. They are a hip-hop/rap kind of group. Their songs are usually inappropriate or a useless jumble of words. But this particular song is called "Where Is The Love?" And as I wrote the phrase "beneath us?" the song said, "what happened to human morality?" Is it so bad that even the horrible media (they mention that in their song) has noticed what they are doing to the world? It is a sad time to live in, I certainly hope that my uncle is right when he says that the culture just makes circles. We may still be able to return to the "good old days" (even though I wasn't there I think it would be so much better) where children weren't killed before birth, teens drink and stick needles in themselves etc. Or was there ever a time like that? In the mean time we should just pray constantly to avoid the near occasion of sin, and to make good decisions.

"Every decision you make, decides who you are."
-My brother John, so true if you think about it.


Rosemary said...

John said that? That is true.

catholicandgop said...

A 9-year old? Sheesh.

One thing that always shocks me (although it shouldn't) is the response of people to us when we are praying in front of an abortion clinic. We do get a lot of positive feedback, but then we also get the finger, yelled and cursed at. All this in response to our praying.

Anonymous said...

In the "good old days" there was also slavery among other terrible things

Andrew said...

The problem with the world is lost innocence. Younger and younger kids are being exposed to things that no kids their age should know. Not only that, but adults too are exposed to the information that would have kept people in the old days awake. People are being desensitized to the violence and sex that the media is trying to convince us is normal when in our hearts we know that it’s not. A side effect of this is the loss of awe. We have seen it all and just can’t be awed anymore. It’s been there, done that.

That’s why one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is awe in God’s presence.